So, want to hear something funny that happened in church today? There's this guy in my ward who goes down to San Diego all the time on business or for fun. Since last September or so when he found out I'm from San Diego, he's been calling me "San Diego." He'll just be like "Hey San Diego, how's it going?" etc. And we'll usually end up talking about San Diego for a minute or so. Anyhow, I saw him today just before Sunday School and talked with him about the earthquake that happened over Easter. Then he asked me if I'd like to say the opening prayer in Sunday School, since he was conducting. I said sure. Sunday School started and he made the announcements for the week. Then he was announcing the opening song and prayer--and he said "and the opening prayer will be given by San Diego..." and he got this blank yet horrified look on his face that clearly said to me he had momentarily forgotten my real name. It was pretty hilarious. I supplied my real name, and everyone laughed. So now, for the rest of the time in the ward, I'm pretty sure everyone is going to be calling me San Diego.
It kind of reminds me of this game on a radio program I once heard, where they were like "What if you were named after the place where you were born?" and tried to get as many random possibilities as possible. Though technically, with those rules, I would actually be named Washington D.C., not San Diego. Kind of think I like the latter better, just because it's smoother to say. And warmer there.
So, in case anyone was wondering what my after grad plans are, these are them (and don't worry, I have a whole calendar made up for when I'm doing what so I actually get some productive things done): May-mid June: Study for clinical exam, while working and completing internship at LDS Family Services. Mid June-July: Go home to San Diego and help take care of Grandpa's/other family stuff that it will take a while to clear out (and sneak in as much snorkeling as is humanly possible). July-whenever: Look for job in Utah (yes, I will be looking/living in Utah) while completing several other sundry goals that I hope to finish before my life is over (It sometimes feels like it'll take that long).
I only somewhat feel like I should have a job all lined up for after graduation, and the opportunities for application to such jobs have presented themselves--but I would much rather wait for a month or two and make sure to pass the exam the first time than get a job and worry about whether or not I'll be able to keep it. (You don't pass the exam, you don't work). So, in case you were wondering, my brief unemployment is strategic. And technically I won't be unemployed anyhow. I just won't be employed to my fullest capacity (and won't be getting paid as much as I would if I'd gotten a more official type job). Okay, babbling now. I'll stop.
Lastly, I'd like to point out what incredible self control I have. I bought the last Fablehaven book over Easter, but I promised myself I wouldn't read it until a) I finished reading Oliver Twist (done!) and b) I finished all of my semester projects (not done...). My semester projects will be done tomorrow, since I'm presenting my research project in class. Then there's an oral exam Wednesday, but I'm not too worried about it, so I figure by Tuesday, and Wednesday night at the most, I'll be able to crack it open. It's sitting on my desk, tempting me. I should've hidden it somewhere, but it just didn't feel right. I mean, how can you resist a book titled "Keys to the Demon Prison"? But I have managed, so far, to do it. Can't wait until Wednesday =]
Love your guts,
~San Diego