I love it when the dates go in order. January 2nd, 2003. September 9th, 2009. Next year on October 10th it'll be even more exciting because it'll be my brother Mike's birthday. =] Yea for random celebration days landing on REAL celebration days!
I had a really great Labor Day weekend. On Saturday I went down to Salt Lake and went through the SLC Temple for the second time. I love the Salt Lake Temple. I love to look at all the old, ornate things inside and feel connected to the pioneers that sacrificed so much to build it. After I did a session I made it just in time to see the Joseph Smith movie over at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. =] I don't think it really matters how many times you see it-you'll cry every time. When it was over I wandered briefly over to Deseret Book to see if there was anything I wanted. I ended up getting a CTR ring. Generally I don't wear much jewelry. The last CTR ring I had was on my mission. I'd taken it off because it was bothering me and ended up accidentally throwing it away into a dumpster. Whoops. So on Saturday I decided that it was about time to get another one. Here's the one I chose.

Kind of different from the usual. I think that's one reason I liked it. After Deseret Book I made my way down to Orem and spent the rest of the evening and Sunday with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. I was really excited because Chase is finally walking consistently (that's my nephew. Not my brother-in-law. As far as I know, Ross has been walking consistently for quite a while). It was so fun to run around with him, and watch Chase wander all over the house exploring things. We even got into a little game of basketball, where he would clutch his mini-basketball and run up to the closet door, and I would lift him up high so he could throw the ball into the mini basket. Yea!

On Monday I went shopping a bit, then visited Val, Dax and JayDax for a couple of hours. I love it when I get to visit my friends! It's hard sometimes, but it makes me so happy to be able to see my friends =] After a barbeque with my sister's in-laws (and a lot of razzing from my brother-in-law and his Dad about how USU lost their football game last week--I'm not surprised they lost) I drove back up to Logan, but not before stopping in Magna to talk with my friend Alise for a couple of hours. She gave me the most beautiful scarf from Venice that she got while on study abroad this summer.
Yea for weekends away!