Friday, September 11, 2009

Holey Cow!

Okay, as requested: An actual video of the cow at USU that has a hole in it. For those of you who weren't in on the conversation, there is, indeed, a cow at USU that has an actual hole about the size of your fist in it's side. There's some sort of apparatus inside that keeps the hole open. They use the hole in veterinary studies to help students understand the workings of the cows' stomach. You can actually reach inside the hole and pull the already-chewed and digesting food out of it's stomach to see it. Then, when they're all done feeling around in there, they plug the hole back up so nothing gets infected. Supposedly it doesn't hurt the cow at all.

As I am not a veterinary-science student, I didn't feel it would be entirely appropriate to stick my hand in the cows' hole. Besides, I'm not sure whether or not it would've been considered a crime. Could you imagine the report that the USU Police would have to write up?

Poor cow.


Darryl said...

interesting...but, ew. :)

Valarie said...

Hmm... I think you need to stick your hand in it before I will truly believe it.