Tuesday, April 01, 2008


The Easter bunny left us a bunch of boxes of Peeps this year. I am, sadly, slightly opposed to eating Peeps. I know they are an American tradition, and it's practically like committing treason to say you don't like them, but the honest truth is that I don't really like the taste of them. They seem ten times more sugary than regular marshmallows, and therefore tend to make me feel sick. I sometimes like to imagine that I enjoy eating Peeps, and so pop one in to my mouth. Bad news. My brothers, on the other hand, who have stomachs and blood sugars of steel, had a Peeps eating contest on Easter. Here are some pictures:

David, who has a bigger mouth than Mikel (in more ways than one =]), won the Peeps eating contest.

Me, Mom, and Dad


Alicia said...

Oh my, I can totally see so much family resemblance between y'all. You are all related, are you? Btw, you look beautiful!!!

Natalie said...

I don't like peeps either. And I'm ok with that. Actually, I've never even tried them...but I don't want to. So I'm not. I'm quite content with mini cadbury eggs and malt balls.

Sam and Steph said...

Don't feel bad...I hate peeps too, I think I used to like them at some point in time, but then we blew them up in my physics class and I just can't look at them the same...yay for nerds.

Heather said...

You look beautiful in that picture!

--jeff * said...

i don't like peeps, either, too, also.
i just stick with cadbury cream eggs.