Thursday, November 06, 2008

Things that make me happy

It's late, and I'm incredibly tired. So why am I posting? I don't know. But I am.

Sometimes I like to make lists of things that make me happy. Here's one for your reading enjoyment:

Bubbles, waffles on Saturday morning, the violin, my pillow, finishing a crafty thing for my future (or current) home, finding my stuffed animals that I thought were lost, having door handles for my car, seeing snow out on the mountains, hot chocolate with marshmallows, toe-nail polish, Books (especially including scriptures), seeing someone do something kind for someone else without expecting to be seen, art that I don't necessarily understand, that sea creature that has a glowing nob hanging from its head, grass in my toes, friends who love me despite my ridiculousness, laughing like a 10 year old with any of my siblings, having a haircut turn out the way I wanted it to, journals, seeing babies laugh or cry, rocking chairs, a cozy corner in a library, going through the grocery store and finding all the miniaturized items, cartoons that I used to watch when I was little, the moment when you realize that you finally understand, reading old journal entries, hiding either candy or money from myself and being surprised when I find it, hearing from an old friend that I never expected to hear from, hearing a song on the radio that I know all the words to and singing them (or shouting them, depending on the level of hyperactivity), pearls, hunting for seashells on a warm summer beach, finding a little corner of nature that appears to be all your own for even just a little while, remembering how we used to pretend that we were on a deserted island in our backyard every summer, daisies, watching a romantic comedy and knowing that you deserve to be just as happy as they are, sunsets, ballet shoes, puppies, watching someone else sleep, spending all day cleaning or working hard and falling into a comfy couch afterward, finding the perfect card for someone, the first spoonful of ice cream when you remember how delicious it tastes, riding a horse for the first time, swimming a lap in the pool and thinking the whole way how incredible it really is that humans have learned how to do that, realizing you've created something that no one else could've done, and that first moment when you crawl into bed and you breathe out and completely relax.

And with that, my Loves, goodnight. =]


Emily C. said...

You are an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing your joy with me & everyone else. It's a wonderful gift you have & albeit contagious.

--jeff * said...

most people are too caught up with life to appreciate handles on car doors. way to stop and smell the roses.