Saturday, November 01, 2008

In Celebration of Daylight Savings...

I am posting once again. And, if you noticed, I took my extra hour and spent it finding a new fancy-shmancy background. I like it.

Did I ever tell you that going on my mission to South America caused me to lose at least two hours of my life? People don't realize that this happens, but it does. Here's how it works. In order to understand the logistics, you need to remember that in the US we spring forward an hour in the spring, and fall back an hour in the fall. Now, realize that in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are backwards from our own. Thus, they spring forward an hour around Octoberish, and fall back an hour around Aprilish.

Just before I left for my mission (in May), we had Daylight Savings here in the US, springing forward an hour. This was normal for me, as I'd been doing it for pretty much my whole life. Then I left for my mission to Chile. October came around, and we sprang forward an hour again. Because now I'm in the southern hemisphere, and it's not coming up on winter, it's coming up on summer. April comes, and we fall back. Normal. Then October comes again, and we spring forward. At this point I return home from my mission (to the lovely San Diego). April comes. But now I'm in the northern hemisphere again. So we spring forward. Again. Did you catch that? I sprang forward four times, and only sprang back once. Guys don't realize this happens, because they are down in their southern hemisphere missions for two years, which means that the time changes equal each other out. When they get back, they double up on either the turning the clocks back, or turning them forward. But for the sisters it's different. We're only down there for 18 months, so our time changes don't get readjusted to being in the right order.

I wonder what I would do with those two hours if I got them back.


Alicia said...

Hey, that is an extra 2 hours of your life you lost (gave0 to the Lord, right? So you should get some extra blessings.

We need to hook up sometime! I hope school is going well. Have fun!

--jeff * said...

i was going to be clever and ask you what you'd do with those two lost hours. then i got to the end of your post.... ; )