So, I just finished reading "The Lightning Thief," by Rick Riordan. It's absolutely excellent. It's like Harry Potter meets Hercules, with a little bit of Edith Hamilton's Mythology sprinkled throughout. If you ever wanted to learn more about mythology and never wanted to take the time to do it, here's your chance. I'm going to go and get the second book as soon as I can. As soon as I get paid. And I thought Riordan reasoned the whole "God vs. gods" issue very well, and in only just a few sentences.
I wish I had more to write, but right now my life is pretty much consumed with cleaning in the afternoon/night, and wiling my mornings away looking up random information that may be useful to me someday (yes, including the camel tidbit. You never know when you might find yourself stranded in the middle of a desert with a camel), reading children's books (though, I really should pick up Ben Hur and finish it...) and going to the pool. I try to slip in more productive things sometimes as well. Like studying Spanish and Conflict Resolution and Therapy and other stuff that I'll probably forget just as soon as my internship starts in August. Although, I must say that my storage unit is so totally organized. I have little "Hello my name is ____" tags above all the piles indicating what I might possibly find in that area. It destroys the illusion of surprise, when you go through your junk and find something you love and think "Hey! I forgot I had this! I forgot how much I LOVE it!"; but it also helps lessen the frustration when you're looking for your sleeping bag to go camping that night and it's buried beneath boxes of books, kitchen supplies you don't currently need because your three roommates already have one each, and those family pictures you're supposed to be scanning. No More!! Now it has a handy "Hello, my name is Outdoors" sticker right above it. =]
hello, that is the BEST IDEA EVER!
if i were a chocolate-eating camel, i would probably think, "oh, i shouldn't. i know this will all go straight to my back."
maybe that was Quasimoto's deal too? afterall, they do have great chocolate in france.
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