Thursday, January 03, 2008

Entertaining a Britte

How does one go about entertaining a Britte? I've personally known a real-life Britte for at least the first 25 years and 4 months of my life; and yet, this question has plagued me. (Oh yes, Britte you are a plague). For example, she is currently listening to the voice of Rush Limbaugh over CNN. Who would ever have thought that such a thing could entertain a Britte? Even I was shocked! But then, Britte's do tend to do things that you would not expect at the strangest times.

However, having been familiar with a Britte for the aforementioned amount of time, I have come up with just a few suggestions if you have a Britte in your own life that needs entertaining.

First, purchase a multitude of multimedia. This will entertain the Britte for approximately 75% of the lifetime of a Britte. A good investment, if you ask me!

Second, buy the Britte a strategy game. Britte's are, in general, always entertained by a strategy game. If, for some reason, the strategy game does not work, hand her a set of silverware. Approximately 67% of Britte's have a mutated imagination. Your Britte will most likely be able to find something intriguing to do with her set of silverware. My Britte, for example, used to use silverware in place of her toys when she was grounded and got all the real toys taken away. How clever!

My third suggestion for entertaining a Britte would be to subscribe to the Sci-Fi channel. Unfortunately this suggestion may pertain to my Britte alone. I have found no scientific evidence as to whether or not a majority of the Britte's of the world depend on a day-to-day basis on the Sci-Fi channel. You may want to test this theory on your own Britte. I do not believe that there will be any lasting damages to your Britte if she reacts negatively to the Sci-Fi channel. I believe in the end, it will all work out for the best.

There are many Britte's in the world, despite what some may think, and I strongly believe that they are all in need of more entertaining. Despite their current numbers, studies show that the Britte's are quickly becoming endangered. I believe if the people of the world were to embrace the Britte's and follow these steps, we would have more than enough Britte's to fill our necessary quota. Please follow these steps and help save the Britte's!

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