Friday, June 13, 2008

Bekah, Bekah, the Strawberry Picka

Tell me these aren't the most beautiful strawberries you've ever seen! My supervisor suggested an outing for me to take the kids on: Picking strawberries at a strawberry patch. There is a little strawberry patch north of San Diego where you can purchase either a quart sized container for $6 or a gallon sized container for $11. Then they tell you what area to stay in, and you head out with your little bucket and pick your own strawberries! There were rows and rows of strawberries, and you can dig your hands through the plants and look for the ripest strawberries. Yea! It was really great. If you ever have the chance to do something similar, I highly recommend it.

I've already made mine into a Strawberry Pie. Yum!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Those do look good. We used to go strawberry picking with my grandma, and then we'd make strawberry jam and strawberry pie. Mmmmmmm