Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random is Bestest

I have nothing to really say tonight, which sometimes makes for the most interesting posts. I guess we'll see.

This last week, for 3 days straight, all I was doing at work was painting and moving furniture and painting some more, then putting stuff away and cleaning once the furniture was all finally in the right place. And then painting some more. We moved into a new clubhouse. It's nice and big and has room outside for a basketball court and maybe even a little garden. I won't be there long, but it will be fun to help them get started. Plus I have now realized the value of painting a room "two-tone." It's where you have most of your room painted a neutral color, and then one "accent" wall a deep or bold color (one that would be too overpowering if you painted the whole room that color, but adds just enough pizazz if you have one wall painted that way). After I came home the second day my Mom, who is trying to re-do some of our house, took me to Home Depot to choose some possible paint colors. I tried to convince her of the benefits of a two-toned wall (I was channeling my inner-interior designer-something that doesn't happen too often), but alas, she was not to be convinced (as of yet. I think I still have a chance. I'm wearing her down slowly).

Have you guys ever seen Psych? It's basically my favorite show ever. It has Dule Hill in it. He played Charlie in The West Wing, and he's great. James Roday plays the main character, Shawn Spencer. He's basically the most hilarious character ever. He's this guy who has a talent for noticing details, and he uses it to solve crimes and convince everyone else that he's psychic. And what's also great is they make a ton of references to movies, tv shows, and music from the 80's and 90's, so every episode turns into one of those "remember when" sessions you sometimes start with your friends (remember Full House, Growing Pains, and the Cosby Show? Remember TGIF? We used it watch it on an extremely old black and white tv in Rachel's room, and beg my parents to order pizza on Friday nights while we watched it)...

So, have you ever gone to the library and checked out way too many books that you know you won't have time to finish--but you're really hoping that this time you will? That was me, yesterday...and for the next three weeks. So hopefully I can get them done. Plus, I purchased another book at Barnes and Noble which so far is really good, but then it's like a toss up--do I read the library books, that are due back in 3 weeks, laying aside my new very very interesting book; or do I read my very very interesting book very quickly and then read my library books; or do I try and read them all at the same time (which is what I usually end up doing), and risk the possibility of not finishing the library books before I need to return them. Ah, the complicated decisions of life...

You know one reason I'm excited to move back to Utah? Super Walmart. Yes, I know they are the devil or whatever because they don't offer benefits to their employees, and some of the stuff they sell is slightly on the crappy side, and they kind of have a monopoly on the "general store" market. But honestly, I need them in my life. You see, out here in California our grocery stores are organized into a union ("We're a union, just by saying soooo.....And the world will know!!"--name that tune). And they have decided not to allow Walmart to join their union (which Walmart probably wouldn't want to do anyways). This decision, however, has a grave impact on my financial welfare. I'm already paying $100 a paycheck for gas. If I can buy a cantaloupe for a few cents cheaper, then I want that cantaloupe a few cents cheaper. Luckily, Walmart has gotten around this and is now selling every kind of grocery type item that they can without infringing on the union's standards. The only thing that they lack is the meat and produce section. So it looks like I still have to buy my cantaloupe at Vons. Until August. Muahaha.

I have to return to my lair and read 7 books at once. Farewell. =]


Jeff Nelson said...

So Bekah, who really purchased that awesome book at B&N? And wasn't it you that asked me (while in Barnes and Noble) if you should read that Twilight Saga? And I said "no, it's not your style!" Thankfully, it's not the book you're reading. By the way, how is the Cellist in Sarajevo?

Love, Mom

~Bekahjo said...

Yes Mommy, it was you and your wonderful B&N card that bought me the book. And it's really really good! Thanks!

Becky said...


Jack said...

hurray for randomness and Newsies. Becky, the movie is Newsies...the song is titled, "The World Will Know"

The Wyatts said...

Psych rules all, I hate Walmart but still shop there like three times a week, I always buy too many books and can't decide which to read first (just went to a used book sale a few weeks ago), and of course that is from Newsies because we used to watch it like every week. Are we sisters? I think so!