Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What are the odds?

I just got an email from my Dad. He is currently on the USNS Mercy. The ship just left Singapore, heading towards (I think) Timor. While he was in Singapore, he was able to attend church at a little LDS meetinghouse. At the end of the church meetings, the Bishop announced that there would be a fireside upstairs in the Stake Center. My Dad decided to stay for the fireside. The speakers soon arrived, and what are the odds that my Dad would know one of the speakers? He and my Dad had gone to a science camp together when they were in high school, and had been friends all through their BYU years.

Then, weirdest of all weird, my Dad met the Sister that was also speaking. She was introduced as a professor from BYU's School of Social Work. So my Dad asked her if she, by any chance, knew Rebekah Nelson. She was surprised, but said yes, she had been my professor over my 8 month internship while I was at BYU. My Dad introduced himself, and they had a good laugh about meeting each other halfway across the world. So what are the odds that my Dad, an old friend of his from college, and my college professor would all meet in a little meetinghouse in Singapore? I've never really taken statistics, but I'd imagine that the odds are in the millions.

I just want to include a little note about why Sister Sheffield (my professor) was in Singapore in the first place. The group had been returning to the US from Indonesia, where they had introduced a program that Sister Sheffield created called the Family Enrichment Program. It is based on our LDS idea of family home evening, but adapted for those who are not LDS. She has introduced this program to many different countries at meetings held by the United Nations (if I recall correctly) on strengthening family. Her recent trip to Indonesia resulted in the government adopting the family enrichment program, purchasing 280 million copies of the manual (for which Sister Sheffield gets no royalties).

What an amazing work!


Jack said...

Is that Jeffrey Hill? I had him at BYU---great teacher. And if that isn't him in the picture, he was still a great teacher.

Jack said...

oops---that was Natalie, not Jack.

Alicia said...

Awesome!! You said SW professor, I took another look at the photo, and I said, "That's sister Wendy what's her name!". (You reminded me it was Sheffield.) She was one of my favorite professors! She looks a little different so I didn't recognize her at first. So awesome what she is doing.

Btw, I do read your blog, I just don't comment enough.