Friday, October 31, 2008


If it helps anyone feel better, whilst I have been neglecting my blog I have been reading about people that neglect their children. I'm glad blogs aren't necessarily like those web animals, that you kill if you ignore for too long.

Really, the past few weeks since I last blogged have gone by so quickly, I'm not even sure if anything exciting has happened. I'm in the business of trading my limited stats knowledge and not-completely-limited computer knowledge for new door handles for my little car. I think Jake was really worried I wouldn't be able to get out of my car this winter, and he was looking for help with stats anyhow. I found out during a break between classes that one of the guys in my program served his mission in the Carlsbad mission. We were talking about how Utah isn't exactly multicultural, and he boastingly stated that he had served his mission in an area that people jokingly called "Manila Mesa," because there were so many people from the Philippines that lived there. Hey...that's where I grew up!! I told him so, and asked if he remembered any families in the area. We started naming a few people off, and it was kind of fun. I showed him a picture of my family to see if he knew them, and he remembered Mike because he'd gotten into a car accident not too long before, and when Mike left to go on visits with the Elders, my Dad had told him to take it easy on his ankle (which he'd shattered in the accident). Funny how we remember those little things.

I really didn't have a Halloween costume today. Last night at about 1:30am I decided to be Bedtime Bear, and made a little moon with a star hanging off it to pin on my tummy. It was very cute. I didn't get much of a chance to wear it though. Still, I'm going to hang it in my room. I even wore turquoise, to make sure I was the same color as Bedtime Bear.

I've got to go to bed, but I just have to say that Aggie basketball is CRAZY. The crowd really is one of the most formidable, and the team is pretty much amazing. They won their game tonight against NNU, 73-46. Pretty great, huh?

They mentioned ceramics on the Office, and now I want to go throw a pot. Not throw a pot, but sit at the wheel and throw one. You know what I mean. I haven't done that in a while...I wonder if they'll let me use the one on campus. I'll have to do a little investigating tomorrow.

Bedtime Bear, signing off.

1 comment:

--jeff * said...

i like the idea of a carebear costume.