Friday, February 27, 2009

If you want my tonsils, you can have them

When I was five weeks old I had spinal meningitis. Thanks to some very intelligent doctors in Washington DC, I was soon pumped full of penicillin and recovered gracefully, luckily missing out on some of the devastating effects that spinal meningitis can have on a little baby (despite what some people might say ;]).

Unfortunately for me, the vast influx of penicillin into my little five week old body has since rendered the drug somewhat ineffective. I like to think that, like Wesley built up an immunity to iocaine powder, I have my own immunity. However, unlike Wesley and his iocaine powder, penicillin is not so much a poison as it is...the miracle drug that pretty much cures everything. Including tonsillitis. So, it happened that as I grew up and got case after case of tonsillitis and received drug after mutated drug that were all some form of penicillin, I kept getting swollen tonsils. Boo. It must have been the year after my sister Rachel got her tonsils removed that doctor's suddenly decided that a tonsilectomy was too dangerous and pretty much stopped doing them. So here I am now, with tonsils that are perpetually swollen and a dental assistant who is always concerned that she is going to get sick. Don't worry. I won't infect you. They've been that swollen for a while now.

I wanted to post tonight, but I didn't know what else to say. So you got my tonsils. If you want them, you can have them. Just gargle with warm salt water. Some people think it's gross, but trust me--it is oh-so-effective.


Jaime said...

i love reading everything you have to say. it makes me smile. not that you are suffering, but just that you make light of it.

i got my tonsils out when i was 8. i remember it being quite miserable, although, i DID get to miss three weeks of school, which is NEVER a bad thing :)

Darryl said...

ewww...I haven't had tonsils since I was 7!!!