Friday, November 30, 2007

Rainy San Diego

When it rains in San Diego, a goodly percentage of the drivers freak out and completely forget how to drive like a normal person. It’s as if 90% of the city looks up in wonder at the sky, asking themselves “What are these strange wet things falling onto my windshield? You mean windshield wipers were meant to be used for something other than cleaning the dust (and ash) off the glass so I can see?” It’s pretty funny. Especially since I lived up in the Utah snow for 5+ years, driving around in that mess. In case you were wondering, it’s currently raining. It’s also windy. I’m pretty sure most of the city believes that this is what a hurricane must be like.

I don’t remember when the first time I saw lightning was, but I’m pretty sure I was in the living room of my house and I’m also pretty sure that I thought the world was exploding. We hardly ever get thunderstorms down in San Diego, so it was a curious thing. Once upon a time I went to EFY in Utah and I remember going into an hour long class, leaving clear blue skies and a bright happy sun behind me. When I came out of the building there were dark gloomy clouds above, it was pouring rain, and it was thundering and lightning. I remember being shocked. Where did this come from? Who knew that a rain storm could appear so quickly? Certainly not me!

Another rainy day I remember was when I was very little, and visiting an Uncle and Aunt in Arizona. I was probably…eight? I don’t know. It was during my “I hate spaghetti sauce” phase. Anyhow, we arrived at their house when it was dark outside, and it was very warm. As we were bringing our stuff into their house it started to rain. It was hot outside and raining at the same time! How could that happen?! I was fascinated, and wanted to stay outside and play in it, but my parents wouldn’t let me. I didn’t understand why. I couldn’t possibly get sick, right? It was too warm! I vividly remember thinking how astonishing it was, for rain and heat to exist at the same time.

The last great rainy day I wanted to chronicle was when I was in second grade. My sister, Rachel and I were walking home, along with my best friend, Sarah, who lived next door to us. Sarah was crazy and hilarious, and that must have been why we were such great friends. I loved her hilarity, and was so naturally shy that it made me happy inside to be a part of it. We walked home in the pouring rain, getting sopping wet and loving every minute of it. We would sweep our umbrellas up as high as we could, jump and try to float down to earth, like Mary Poppins. As we rounded a corner, there was a bit of tissue or something in a bush that had gotten soaked through and was now a small pile of white mush. Sarah exclaimed "Look! SNOW!" (knowing full well that it was, in fact, a small pile of mushy white tissue-we had great imaginations back then). The rest of the way home we prattled on about how we should have taken the "snow" and built a little mini-snowman out of it, then put it in our front yard for all to see.

I think it was the best walk home from school that I ever had.


Alicia said...

Yay!! You have a blog and now I can see EVERYTHING you are up to. I love your blog and I keep thinking- gosh she is a good writer, I wish I could write like her.. So tell me again what you are doing for work? And you graduated in what this last spring?? Congrats!!!

One of my biggest rain memories was when it POURED buckets of water when we were living in Boise, ID. The big huge rain gutter got over flooded so there was a huge pool to wade/ swim in. I think about it now and i sure it was really gross wading in icky road water, but it sure was fun then!

Love your guts!

Sam and Steph said...

Hooray for blogs! I just started one myself (this is steph olsen by the way...from the wonderful early morning library staff :-) It's good to be back in touch again, how is life treating ya?! Hope all is going well, talk to ya later