Saturday, December 08, 2007

Things I've learned recently...

*“Plauen” is a city in Germany, not a person.

*A “Stent” is something that a heart surgeon uses to prop your artery open.

*Collecting clutter can be an addiction.

*If some of the tiles fall off of your Rubik’s Cube, make sure that you glue them back in the right spot. Otherwise, I can promise you that you will never solve it. No matter how good you are. (Britte, I’m in the process of fixing yours for you…)

*The person that draws your blood when you go to donate blood doesn’t always donate their blood.

*Parents are more stubborn than their children.

*Just because you eat healthy and go on walks doesn’t mean you can’t have a heart attack.

*Staying up until 1am normally=hard
Staying up until 1am to watch 12 episodes of “The Office”=not hard

*I like cooked spinach.

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