Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Have 75 Children

I spent today organizing donated clothes for approximately 75 kids that come to our clubhouse. I don't know if they'll like what they are getting, but I hope they do. I've spent the past two or three days at work trying to get it all organized. With Brandi and Krissy's help we were able to get it all done. I had piles and piles of clothes all over my office, and I basically took over the desk areas of my poor office-mates, Eric and Roger. That's okay though. They need to be out on the floor "interacting" with the kids more anyways. The piles of clothes reminded me somewhat of the movie Yours, Mine, and Ours; not the new one (because I never saw it), but the old one with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda. I think they end up having 18 children. Can you imagine buying Christmas presents for eighteen children? Or even just wrapping Christmas presents for that many kids? It takes a long time to figure out if so and so would like such a thing, or if this shirt would fit that person. I'm almost Christmas-presented-out from it all, and I haven't even finished my shopping yet.

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