Thursday, August 21, 2008

What an exciting week!

Here's some pictures of my adorable nephew. I got to spend some time with him and my sister and brother-in-law this weekend.

So, it's been a pretty eventful week. I moved in to my little apartment up in Logan on Saturday. I didn't get to meet my roommate (it appears I only have one), but I left my number and a note telling her I'd be back next Saturday. I live on the fourth floor, so I would personally like to thank my amazing little sister for helping me lug all my junk up four flights of stairs. I would also like to thank my calves and arms for not giving out on me during that time. I hope I never have to live on the fourth floor of anything that doesn't have a freight elevator ever again.

We moved Britte out of her apartment on Monday, and it took some creativity figuring out how to get all of her stuff into the little RAV4 that we rented, plus make room for the three of us in the same car. In the end, we tied our luggage, Britte's sofa cushion chair thing, and some other assorted items to the top of the roof. Now, in my defense, this is the first time I have ever attempted to tie something to the top of a car. You would think it wouldn't be that hard. But you would be wrong. I bought the tarp and bungee cords in Springville. We bought more bungee cords in Payson. We stopped just north of Nephi to purchase some duct tape. By the way, McGuyver, I was highly disappointed in the amount of time that the 20 yds of duct tape I purchased lasted on that tarp against driving 75mph and the strong winds that beat on the car at a perpendicular angle as we drove. By the time we stopped in Scipio to purchase something--anything--that would help our situation, Britte and I were laughing so hard at our ridiculous situation that I'm sure the people at the gas station thought we were drunk. I decided to try twine this time. I guess I figured that the three different elements holding this stupid piece of plastic together on the top of the car had to be somewhat effective. In the end, the twine was probably the most effective in keeping the plastic from flapping, and the bungee cords were effective in keeping the stuff on top of the car (though Britte says she is missing two pillows that were up there. I, personally, think they are lost in her room, because I clearly remember pulling them down from the top when we got home. Of course, it was midnight and I was tired and basically wanting to blow up everything on the top of the car by that point in time, so I could be mistaken).

Then today, my baby brother David got his mission call!!! We couldn't open it right away, because my Dad is floating out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere, so (following the clever plan that my parents previously came up with) my Mom emailed him and told him to call at 6pm. Britte, Dave and I went to the beach to distract him from opening his call early (and to get slight sunburns). By six we had bought pizzas and stuff for root beer floats, Dave's best friend (also named Dave) had come over, and my Dad had called. We got Rachel on a cell phone speaker phone as well, and Dave sat down to open his call. So guess where my Dave is going?

Johannesburg, South Africa
English Speaking
Entering the South Africa MTC on November 27th, 2008

Is that crazy or what? We've all been making all these random guesses as to where he would go, but I honestly never dreamed he'd be called to South Africa. I am SO jealous. I'm already scheming on how I can go there to come "pick him up" (aka, tour the country with the added benefit of being able to do so with your baby brother that you haven't seen for two years).

Rachel told us that she had been talking to Ross yesterday, and they had decided that Dave would have to go to Africa somewhere because my Dad served in Europe (Denmark), I served in South America (Chile), and my brother Mike served in Asia (Philippines). So we decided that she won the mint brownies. I'm so excited for him!!!


Darryl said...

My, my, that read was quite exciting! Just when I thought that story about lashing things down to the roof :) couldn't be topped, you ended with a bang, or at least your brother did! I'm sure he'll be a great missionary. Though he's going English speaking, perhaps he can learn some Afrikaans (sp?) while over there. On another note, all this blogging is sure to get your literary chops in order when you write your book. Sorry about the long comment...Have fun in school!

Darren and Kim said...

Hey girl I am so glad you are in Utah now. Congrats on the Nephew and the mission call. What a fun life you have!