Thursday, March 27, 2008

Feng Shui

Does anyone else out there have fun rearranging their furniture? Last night I did a bit of a deep clean to my room and I moved some of my furniture around. Then today at work I finally moved the furniture around in the group room. There is something sort of satisfactory in moving your furniture around; almost like you get a whole new room just by moving one object to another place. I like the first week or so after I've moved my furniture around, because I come in to my room not envisioning how the room looks now, and it's almost as if I'm surprised that things aren't where I'm used to them being.
"Oh, the furniture's been moved!...Oh wait, that was me..."

I have this habit of all of a sudden being dissatisfied with how my room is set up, and then staying up until 1am in order to move the furniture to where I think it should go. It wouldn't really take so long, but in the process I end up dusting off all my books and the shelves, cleaning out drawers and vacuuming before and after, and even while I am moving things around. If you notice, though, there is something very peaceful about climbing in to your bed after you've moved it to another side of the room. Like you know that you'll have very pleasant dreams, because having your bed in a new spot creates creative new dreams that you couldn't possibly have had if your bed had still been in the north corner of the room. You know what I mean?


--jeff * said...

yes, me, too.
i'm much more prone to rearranging my room when i have someone to work with (usually my mom), but i do love the feeling of a successfully redesigned room.

Darren and Kim said...

It really is like a fresh start a clean slate. We all deserve that now and again!